Daine Dvorak

I'm a Seasoned

Learn About Daine Dvorak Work History

Leveraging over 10 years of expertise in SEO and business process automation and 5 years of experience in technology, including cloud engineering, web development, and more, I specialize in leading projects that enhance efficiency through automation and strengthen web presence with tailored SEO strategies.

Daine Dvorak smiling in a professional headshot for the about me section of his resume website, showcasing a friendly and approachable demeanor.

SEO Expert Innovator & Process Automation Developer

Explore my portfolio to witness the impact of automation in real-world projects and SEO strategies that have catapulted businesses to the top of search results. Each project underscores my commitment to excellence and innovation in the tech industry.

  • Birthday: December 30, 1991
  • Website: www.DaineDvorak.com
  • Phone: +(913) 229-4694
  • City: Overland Park, Kansas USA
  • Age: 32
  • Email: dainedvorak@gmail.com
  • Employment:

My track record of driving significant business growth is underpinned by a solid foundation in SEO (On-Page, Off-Page, and Technical), continuous professional development, and a suite of relevant certifications. I thrive in environments prioritizing process efficiency and innovation, advocating for the transformative impact of using data-backed logic to discover strategic opportunities for data-driven competitive advantage.


As you peruse these facts, I invite you to see beyond the numbers and envision the hard work, strategic thinking, and heart that fueled each achievement. This section is not just a showcase of what I have accomplished, but a reflection of the journey I've embarked on to make a meaningful impact in my field.

Work History Achievement Highlights

  • SEO SOP Development: Established over 50 comprehensive SEO SOPs, encompassing a range of tactics and deliverables. This resulted in a 27.5-hour reduction in employee onboarding time and standardized high-quality output.
  • SEO Revenue Generation: Spearheaded the acquisition of multiple SEO projects, leading presentations to key stakeholders and generating over $200,000 in organic performance revenue in under two years.
  • Innovative AI SEO Strategies: Developed and deployed advanced AI strategies for SEO, notably including a custom GPT model for schema markup, providing much deeper advanced schema development with enhancing turnaround times and resolves nesting & syntax issues efficiently.
  • AI Workflow Integration: Integrated AI tools into daily operations, cutting process times by 45%, boosting team productivity, and improving work accuracy and quality.
  • Management & Leadership Experience: Outside of running a side freelance business where I delegate lots of the work, in my full-time job I have fostered career growth within my team, with 100% of the 5 direct reports over my last 2 jobs advancing to higher positions in 1-1.5 years & developing an in-house Digital ADA Compliance Specialists.
  • Technical SEO and CWV Compliance: Collaborated closely with the development team to optimize client websites through brainstorming sessions, and my input helping resolve large issues from my extensive cloud engineering experience (~6+ years), meeting Core Web Vitals standards to get “Good” page rankings and generating a 43% increase in organic traffic for pages previously ranked as "poor."
  • Data-Driven SEO Campaigns: Led comprehensive data analyses for content and keyword strategies, resulting in successful organic performance campaigns with clear KPIs and net gains in execution.
  • SEO Process Automation: Developed over 25 unique SEO templates, saving an average of 86.7 hours per project in delivering SEO services for website development, redesigns, and routine monitoring.
  • Achieved SERP domination: Through a strategic organic search strategy - I achieved 80+ 1st place Google rankings for competitive non-branded keywords such as towing, jump start, and roadside assistance. Secured golden triangle visibility on valuable internet real estate.

Years in SEO On-Page, Off-Page, Technical Expert. Proven expertise in SEO strategy development, encompassing on-page, off-page, and technical aspects.

SEO Standard Operating Procedures Developed: Established over 50 comprehensive SEO SOPs, encompassing a range of industry tactics & deliverables.

Hours Saved by AI Workflow Integration Integrate AI tools into daily operations, cutting process times by 45% & boosting team productivity, plus - improving work accuracy & quality.

Average hours saved per website redesign, or new site project with SEO deliverables through my innovative templates



Discover the heart of my professional journey: a skill set rich with innovation, strategic SEO insights, and technical prowess, meticulously cultivated to advance digital landscapes. I excel in transforming complex challenges into streamlined, impactful solutions, leveraging my deep expertise in process automation, digital marketing, and cloud engineering. My approach combines analytical precision with creative strategy, driving growth and operational efficiency. Explore my capabilities below, where every skill underscores a commitment to excellence and a passion for pushing the boundaries of what's possible in technology and business optimization.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) - On-Page, Off-Page, and Technical Skills 99%
Marketing & Advertising 80%
Leadership & Management 78%
Communication Skills 85%
Problem-Solver + Self Motivated 95%
Organizational Skill Set 95%


Below you will find a PDF resumes tailored made to specific job titles, if you are looking for the right person for your companies new expansion of this role, then please reach out and lets talk!

Daine Dvorak's SEO Expert, Technical SEO Master, and Process Automation Specialists - Comprehensive Resume

This resume is Comprehensive Resume of all my skills, achievements, work history, and more!

Download Resume



2010 - 2012

University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS

Completed 20 Credit Hours


2012 - 2014

Johnson County Community College, Overland Park, KS

3.5 GPA


2006 - 2010

Saint Thomas Aquinas High School, Overland Park, KS

3.9 GPA

Graduated top 10% of class.

Work History

Search Engine Optimization Supervisor

2/2022 - 1/2024


  • SEO Revenue Generation: Spearheaded the acquisition of multiple SEO projects, leading presentations to key stakeholders and generating over $200,000 in organic performance revenue in two years.
  • SEO SOP Development: Established over 50 comprehensive SEO SOPs, encompassing a range of tactics and deliverables resulting in a 27.5-hour reduction in employee onboarding time and creating standardized, high-quality output.
  • Innovative AI SEO Strategies: Developed and deployed advanced AI strategies for SEO, including a custom GPT model for schema markup to provide more advanced schema types and all content-relevant properties, enhance turnaround times, and efficiently resolve nesting and syntax issues.
  • AI Workflow Integration: Integrated AI tools into daily operations to cut process times by 45%, boost team productivity, and improve work accuracy and quality.
  • Core Web Vitals - Fixing Performance Issues: Extensive experience with optimizing and maximizing server throughput across several server stacks. This includes having an in-depth understanding of the servers’ frameworks for Apache2 or NGINX, PHP, NodeJS, CMS, and CDN configurations for client websites.
  • Management and Leadership Experience: Run a freelance business on the side and delegate large portions of work. In my full-time job, I have fostered career growth within my teams, with all 5 direct reports at my last two jobs advancing to higher positions in 1–1.5 years. I have also developed in-house digital ADA compliance specialists.
  • Technical SEO and CWV Compliance: Collaborated closely with the development team to optimize client websites through brainstorming sessions. My input helped resolve large issues based on my extensive cloud engineering experience (~6+ years), meeting Core Web Vitals standards to get "good" page rankings and generating a 43% increase in organic traffic for pages previously ranked as "poor."
  • Schema Strategy and Technical SEO: Enhanced SERP-rich results from 14% to 39% across ~1,000 pages by applying an advanced schema markup by using AI along with my custom model, which only requires the copy-pasted webpage content to get any new content types, properties, and details. This model created a 43% rise in impressions, increased unbranded keyword rankings, and increased organic traffic with an influx across all channels.
  • Data-Driven SEO Campaigns: Led comprehensive data analyses for content and keyword strategies, resulting in successful organic performance campaigns with clear KPIs and net gains in execution.
  • SEO Process Automation: Developed over 25 unique SEO templates, saving an average of 86.7 hours per project in delivering SEO services for website development, redesigns, and routine monitoring.

Senior Search Engine Optimization Specialists

06/2019 - 11/2021

Intouch Solutions (Now Eversana Intouch)

  • Created over 12+ templates to streamline or automate processes to elevate teams' ability to perform more strategic work vs mundane data processing. This on average saved 45% time.
  • Developed link-building strategy with campaigns + internal processes and achieved a conversion rate of 11% on average for unlinked brand mentions link building. Net increase of 15% backlinks gained for the 4 sites this was used on.
  • Performed extensive keyword research, categorization, and competitive analysis to identify specific opportunities to improve organic performance, or setup for organic success.
  • Created monthly performance reports pulling data from Google Analytics, Google Search Console, 3rd party tools (SEMrush, aHrefs, etc.), provided vital insights and next-step recommendations to improve and present to clients.
  • Built, implemented, and iterated effective SEO strategies.
  • Performed in-depth competitor reviews to check competitor activities with ad placement, keyword use, placement bids, and landing pages.
  • Reviewed and optimized client sites to improve keyword targeting URL strategies, website architecture, and content.
  • Created dynamic SEO strategies to exceed market competitors and meet client needs.
  • Analyzed and audited client websites to address performance issues and solve to meet Google's "Page Experience" algo ranking factor and make better user experience.
  • Maintain knowledge of current market trends and algorithm updates of top search engines.
  • Monitored performance of clients' marketing strategies and statistics to identify areas of improvement.
  • Increased profit margins by 15% through streamlined processes for my entire team.
  • Enhanced profitability to achieve marketing objectives and drive productivity and growth from concept to implementation.
  • Oversaw daily operations to ensure high levels of productivity
  • Carried out day-day-day duties accurately and efficiently
  • Collaborated with Paid Search to achieve a net increase of 32% conversions from PPC Ads
  • Demonstrated respect, friendliness, and willingness to help wherever needed
  • Saved $7,300/project by implementing cost-saving initiatives that addressed long-standing problems.
  • Created plans and communicated deadlines to ensure projects were completed on time
  • Supervised work of contracted employees to keep on task for timely completion

Freelance Business Owner

1/2012 - Present

JETTLIFE Tech - Overland Park, KS

  • Track hours and expenses for each project, providing detailed breakdowns for client through a custom client portal I developed.
  • Submit professional proposals and project scopes to potential clients.
  • Proofread, edited, and evaluated final asset copy to verify content aligned organic performance standard operating procedures and aligns to meet clients KPI’s.
  • Develop custom graphic images, short product or service promotional videos, AMP landing pages, WordPress websites, and more for paid ads/boosted posts, across all social media channels and Google Ads.
  • Provide services ranging from establishing a brands identity to full marketing campaigns across various channels (Social media - TikTok, SnapChat, Instagram, FB, Reddit, Organic Search, PPC, and more)
  • Always include detailed analytic data collection to help prove KPI was achieved and use the data to iterate on the overall strategy depending on its success.
  • Monitor, record, and synthesis data analytics into tenable information to prove ROI along with meeting KPIs.
  • Delegated and tracked each sub-freelancer's assignments to ensure deadlines adherence.
  • Ensured network, system and data availability and integrity through preventative maintenance and upgrades.
  • Proposed technical feasibility solutions for new functional designs and suggested options for performance improvement of technical objects.
  • Aligned office departments and increased inter-department communication and data sharing.
  • Consistently meet deadlines and requirements for all production work orders
  • Always iterating my marking strategies based on campaign data outcomes to increase their effective as applicable to other industries
  • Amazon Web Services Cloud Engineering - fully deploy and configure scalable WordPress website in the cloud and make it super fast, and run very cheap. Includes free SSL too.
  • Automate comprehensive competitor analyses to monitor and assess competitor strategies in ad placements, keyword utilization, bidding strategies, and landing page effectiveness to feed into my campaign KPI and aligned to strategies
  • Have an index of over 58 comprehensive SEO Strategies for On-Page, Off-Page, and Technical that have been iterated and advanced over years of iteration in different industries

Search Engine Optimization Specialists - Freelancer

01/2017 - 5/2019


  • Automated comprehensive competitor analyses to monitor and assess competitor strategies in ad placements, keyword utilization, bidding strategies, and landing page effectiveness to feed into my campaign KPI and aligned to strategies
  • Build, implement, and update effective SEO strategies.
  • Maximized strategic approaches by keeping up on performance and making appropriate adjustments.
  • Produced and submitted weekly reports outlining progress against KPI objectives.
  • Developed paid client ads for use on diverse social media platforms, achieving 5:1 average return on ad spend in sales.
  • Develop and manage Google Ads Campaigns.
  • Built, implemented, and updated effective SEO strategies.
  • Developed paid client ads for use on diverse social media platforms, achieving ~380 engaged users per ad, with 38% converting on average.

Digital Marketing Specialist

8/2016 - 5/2019

Pro-Tow Auto Transport And Towing - Overland Park, KS

  • Built, implemented and updated effective SEO strategies.
  • Maximized strategic approaches by keeping close eye on performance and making appropriate adjustments.
  • Performed in-depth competitor reviews to check competitor activities with ad placement, keyword use, placement bids and landing pages.
  • Analyzed usage patterns to understand ways in which customers used our towing services to continually enhance user experience.
  • Developed partnerships with local businesses to secure third party promotions.
  • Defined and tracked campaign effectiveness and adjusted strategies accordingly.
  • Increased revenue of LIFTnLOCK by 89% through effective marketing and new website I developed.
  • Managed day-to-day functions of promotion and marketing departments.
  • Managed Google Ads PPC campaigns, performance, and optimization of a $10,000/budget
  • Achieved SERP domination with 80+ 1st place Google rankings for competitive keywords such as towing, jump start, and roadside assistance. Secured golden triangle visibility on valuable internet real estate.


Step into my world of professional achievements, where each project underscores my expertise in leveraging technology for business optimization. From advanced SEO strategies to innovative process automation, my portfolio is a comprehensive showcase of my skill set in driving digital transformation. Here, you'll find a reflection of my analytical thinking, creative problem-solving, and leadership, all aimed at delivering exceptional outcomes in a dynamic industry landscape.

  • All
  • SEO
  • Automation
  • Leadership
  • Innovation
  • Development


Dive into the heart of my professional journey through the voices of those who have worked alongside me. This section is a curated collection of testimonials from clients, peers, and mentors, offering a glimpse into the tangible impact of my contributions across various projects and roles. Each narrative encapsulates the outcomes of our collaborations and the ethos and drive I bring to the table. It's a testament to the power of partnership, innovation, and relentless pursuit of excellence. Explore these stories to understand the essence of my professional persona.

Daine was on the same digital team as me at Woodruff, specializing in SEO. He was also an expert in all things AI automation and transformation. Daine was often a great resource when I had questions regarding ChatGPT extensions, ChatGPT best practices, or Excel formulas. He was always willing to support his greater team and solve complex problems.

Erin Minné LinkedIn Photo for testimonial for Daine Dvoraks Skills

Erin Minné

Lead Manager - Analytics & Insights | Woodruff

Daine is a unique and great asset to have on any team. His mind is the perfect combination of technical knowledge, strategic thinking, and quick execution which lead to him solving problems for his own clients and for the entire SEO team at Intouch. ....If you get the opportunity to work with Daine, you will see the impacts he has very quickly.

Josiphene Black LinkedIn Photo for testimonial for Daine Dvoraks Skills

Josiphene Black

Group Director, SEO

Daine is a brilliant computer specialist. I think he can solve complicated problems that most people cannot....Daine was able to delete the hacker’s software so that my computer was restored and I was able to use it again.

Kevin Stuart Cavanaugh LinkedIn Photo for testimonial for Daine Dvoraks Skills

Kevin Stuart Cavanaugh

Owner at Law Firm of Kevin Stuart Cavanaugh

As a writer, I cannot speak highly enough of the partnership Daine and I created while working together. Not only is he collaborative with team members and across departments, but he is dedicated to overall success for his brands and his passion for great work is infectious. It was truly a delight to work with him and one of the reasons I know how important it is for copy and SEO teams to work in parallel--I've seen the results and the potential for even more efficiencies. He made my work more enjoyable because I knew it would only be elevated with Daine's efforts. I wish I could clone him, and would love to work with him again.

Andee LaMonica LinkedIn Photo for testimonial for Daine Dvoraks Skills

Andee LaMonica

Associate Creative Director/Copywriter

As a leader, Daine was a teacher to those throughout our organization. He freely shared his strategic ideas and insights, giving him the ability to delegate complex efforts to internal team members and partnering SMEs. He was also able to consistently deliver top-quality results with ever-changing client expectations, needs, and deadlines.

Image of Jesse Brown to showcase Daine Dvorak's skills through a testimonial.

Jesse Brown

SEO Director

Contact Daine Dvorak

Passionate about driving growth and exceeding expectations? So am I! Peruse my detailed professional background on my website and, if you're as excited as I am about creating amazing outcomes, use the contact form to reach out. Let's embark on a new professional adventure together!


Shawnee, KS 66216

Schedule A Meeting With Daine Dvorak Today!